Issue Table of Contents

Volume 2, Issue 1

The Hybrid Designer
Jeffrey Dalton
Successfully bridging the gap between vision and development effort requires a hybrid set of cross-disciplinary skills allowing the designer to move between the abstract world of client dreams and the concrete world of module selection, theming, and custom development.
Thinking Inside the Box
Emma Jane Hogbin
Using grid frameworks as the starting point for a Drupal theme.
Drupal 7 Meet 2012's HTML5
Morten DK
Introducing HTML5 and CSS3 to Drupal 7
What's That PHP Doing In My Theme?
Emma Jane Hogbin
Using PHP in Drupal Themes
Semantic Views
Earl Miles
Semantic Views: controlling markup without having to override templates.
Drupal Performance Best Practices
Jeff Sheltren
Best practices for getting the most out of your Drupal site and servers.
Drupal 7 Starter Themes
Michael J. Ross
A survey of the leading starter themes, and comparison of their features.
De-Drupalizing The Login Form
Morten DK
Learn how to turn Drupal's default login form into something much nicer.
Creating Specialized Layouts with Panelizer
Lynette Miles
Panelizer is a module that lets you create a Panel layout for just one (or more if you want) nodes or other Drupal entities.
Code-Name: Insight
Michael Cooper
An overview of Acquia Insight: performance, security, and Drupal best-practices information about your website.
A Twist On Scalability
Karoly Negyesi
A modern Drupal scalability stack now includes nginx, Webdis and Redis.
The Farmischt Freelancer
J. Ayen Green
The difficulty in staying current within Drupal, when your workload is primarily or all Drupal 6.
Doug Green
Pronounced “drupal-art”, slang “droop-lart”, noun referring to Drupal code that is both beautiful and artistic.
Drupal in Context
Tom Geller
A look back at publishing programs over the last 30 years.